WINE & SPIRITS WHOLESALERS OF AMERICA Chairman of the Board. Founded in 1943, WSWA is the largest organization uniting all tiers of the beverage alcohol industry. As a Board Member, was instrumental in guiding WSWA to making a strategic investment in Drizly. This investment realized a 10x return on capital and has led to conversations with lawmakers in Washington, D.C., related to Cannabis reform.
REPUBLIC NATIONAL DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Senior Board Advisor. As President & CEO, the business grew from $3 to $13Bn, and distribution capabilities from 5 to 38 states. Led the acquisition of 15 companies in 12 states, plus brokerage operations in five control states. Most recently, Tom was responsible for acquiring Young’s Market, Heritage Wines, and a partnership with the Opici Family. RNDC ranks No. 34 on the Forbes list of private companies. During his tenure, Tom played a leading role and was responsible for the merger between Republic and National, creating the 2nd largest domestic distributor employing over 13,000 individuals nationwide.
NEW ORLEANS BUSINESS CENTER Board Director. Responsible for shaping public policies and implementing clear, predictable laws that foster honest and accountable local government. The Board and governing body comprise the region’s top leaders from numerous industries. Membership is reserved exclusively for C-Level executives, particularly those responsible for revenue-generating processes in their respective organizations